Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hello people:
Bet you've never seen a more well organized post have you? Yeah, eat your heart out Heidi! As you can see I have literally ripped these pictures from off the desktop and plopped then down right where I wanted them to be. Why spread them out throughout the blog, anyone can do that but what talent to just glob them all together at the front of the blog. It is an attention grabber so you'll read on and learn all the fascinating things that have happened and are happening at Chez Carl/Marilyn.
These pictures that have been so masterfully done are of girls retreat. Outside of the Cheesecake factory. We asked Linzi to please "suck it up" but she just was stubborn. You can see a distinct lack of sons wives. We were sorry none could make it but we are hopeful that another year will bring another opportunity to see you.
The other two are of our pre easter visit with Heather, Trent and family. The boys told Marilyn when she left them in Feb. that they would see her around Easter. Heather had no idea what they were planning but it shows the power of positive thinking. We had fun. I was working most of the time but the rest played at redrock, around the house, did some swimming and we played Careers at night. Quinn was a good sport even when her went 10 turns trapped in one of the corner traps.
Today is Saturday and Marilyn went back to Provo with Courts and John who came down Wed. for a seminar. They left today and took your mother with them as Linzi is threatening to go into labor and your mother wants to help them as they both have finals to take next week. I suppose it might be hard for Linzi if she is delivering but "c'est la vie"!
I am at home with nothing to do but Laundry and the last batch of that is in the dryer. The weather is marvelous. Not a breath of wind and 80 degrees. My garden is growing and I have Corn coming up, Peas, Beans, carrots, chard, tomatoes with some already having set, cucumbers, cantelope, squash, and artichokes. Anyway, I think I've finally figured out how to get water to everything. WE shall see.
The fruit trees all have fruit on them. Grapes are starting to set as well. WE might have a bounteous harvest. I can't believe that my garden that was all sand ten years ago is rock hard now. I put some compost in it last year and still it is hard. So much for long carrots!
We are looking forward to a vacation to Florida in the next two weeks. It will be nice to get away. I have been seeing lots of patients and doing lots of work so I feel a need for a break.
Hope this finds all well. LOve to all, Dad

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Dad, I would totally be impressed by your blog organization if only this were on the correct blog.

Somehow that kind of killed the bonus points for me.