Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Nativity Costumes...really?

He are Ginnie and Linzi modeling the latest fashions from downtown Bethlehem circa 0 a.d. They had to look long and hard for this combo but after having found it, they knew they were onto something. Below you can see that the hubbies also had a way with the fashionistas! We have a smoking jacketed attired king and a golden sequenined king/kinglet. Janene and Dan also got into the festivities but they chose a more traditional garb. Grandma Barbara, Marilyn were doing their best to look the part and trying to do very little movement. To say that our Nativities are somewhat avante garde would not be far from the truth. Maybe a better term would be neo-retro! Anyway, hope you all enjoy these. All three of you that visit here.

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Ginnie Kimball said...

These pics are to die for. I am so glad you updated your blog before flying off into the Hawaiian sunset. Have a wonderful trip.

Lindsey said...

Those two innkeepers are super SEXY!

Lindsey said...

Those two innkeepers are super SEXY!